Wheelchair Event Interest Form
We're so glad you've selected a wheelchair build CSR activity for your group and your event. Our team is looking forward to partnering with you to make a big difference in the lives of mobility challenges people in the community. All you need to do is fill out the fields below, and we'll be in touch really soon!
What happens with these wheelchairs once your group finishes their amazing team building activity and the wheelchairs are ready to donate? Great question. And we're happy to share. Today, the need for wheelchairs is overwhelming. And we'll assess the need in your area and pair it with your ideal outcomes to find the right partner. In many areas, the two strongest needs are in assisted living facilities and in veterans' groups. Each of these groups has a strong need for new wheelchairs, and both are very worthy recipients. A fully functional wheelchair for a mobility-challenged person is a life-changing gift. These wheelchairs allow them independence, allow them to participate more fully in life, and are often unaffordable. Your group will have a great time in the team building that gets these wheelchairs assembled and ready to rock and roll! But you'll find it even more rewarding when these wheelchairs are given to those in need. We even invite you to join us in the distribution if time allows. Many past groups have found it to be eye-opening and extremely moving to see how powerful an impact a new wheelchair can make for someone in need!