High Altitude Retail
A 3-Day Invitational Learning Experience
for Advanced Retail Organizations
Benefiting No Child Hungry
Registration Fee Includes: Internal Team Survey, Session Content
Meals, Lodging, Entertainment & Ground Transportation at cost.
All staffing is pro bono.
All net proceeds benefit No Child Hungry
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This intensive, interactive, and experiential 3-day learning event has been designed in response to requests from industry-leading retail organizations and is accessible by invitation only.
Expand your organization's capabilities in the areas of:
Team Acquisition, Development and Retention - You've told us that your company's top problem is finding and keeping good people. Whether it's sales, delivery, service or support, top talent is drawn to companies with special characteristics. Learn what they are, how to embody them, and how to optimize them with your prospects and team members alike.
Leadership Growth and Development - Making the most of your company's investment in both human and physical resources calls for inspired leadership beyond just management. Great leaders increase team engagement and motivation, reduce the high cost of turnover and create a workplace environment that's rewarding for not only team members, but customers as well.
Informative, Engaging, and Persuasive Messaging and Content - As an invitee to this event your company and its brand have demonstrated decades, even generations of success in the marketplace. Are you telling your best story, do shoppers understand your advantages and benefits? Does your language persuade, are shoppers moved by your message, does it make them like you more? We'll explore opportunities to increase traffic and enhance your brand with the right balance information and inspiration in your communications.
Content and Agenda.
Registration Fees and Contributions

Together again for the 1st time in 5 years!
All new programs with current best business practices for today's challenging market conditions.
All to benefit No Child Hungry.
High Altitude Retail
A 3-Day Invitational Learning Experience
for Advanced Retail Organizations
Benefiting No Child Hungry
Wednesday, Oct 23 -
Attendee arrival at the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel and check in by 11:30 am.
11:45 - Lunch Served
12:45 - Transport to Offsite Venue
1:00 - GROUNDSPEED High Altitude Retail -We explore the unique advantages that invitees share and how they can be leveraged in competition with, not only national chains, but other independents as well.
2:00 - The People Problem -
2:45 - Break
3:00 - Employer Brand
4:15 - TEAM IQ
5:00 - Launch Sequence
5:30 - Cocktail Reception
6:30 - Dinner
8:30 - Return to hotel
Thursday, Oct 24 -
7:30 - Breakfast Served
9:00 - TeamUp: Acquiring Top Talent
10:30 - Break
10:45 - TeamUp: Growth and Development
11:30 - Idea Exchange Breakout
12:00 - Lunch Served
1:00 - Who Are You? Value and Emotional Messaging
2:00 - Your Shopper Search
3:00 - Break
3:15 - Five Moneys, Two Keys
4:15 - Your Showroom, Your Shopper's Experience
4:45 - Idea Exchange Breakout
5:15 - Feedback
5:30 - Free R&R Time
6:45 - Assemble in lobby for transport to offsite venue.
7:30 - Cocktails and Dinner Offsite
9:30 - Return to Hotel
Friday, Oct 25 -
7:30 Breakfast Served
9:00 - 2-Day Recap and Summary
10:00 - Let's-Do-This Action Plan Development
11:00 - Group Strategy Sharing
12:00 - 12:50 Lunch Served
Depart to airport via hotel shuttle.
All Net Proceeds Benefit No Child Hungry
Registration fee includes all content, venues, meals, lodging, entertainment and ground transportation
in Atlanta.
All event staff, presenters, content licensing and development provided pro bono courtesy of
The Bryant Group, No Child Hungry and Aragon Group
Registration Fee Single Occupancy
Registration Fee Double Occupancy
Minimum Contribution to NCH $500 per attendee
Special Registration Fee
NCH Business Partners
Single Occupancy $1070
Double Occupancy $735
Special Thanks for the ongoing monthly support from
our generous business partners. Click for information on becoming a No Child Hungry Business Partner.