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We Are Coming


One of the core values of FEI Group centers on giving back.  The FEI Group recognizes that they're fortunate to be able to provide help and financial support to those in need, and they do so in appreciation of their own success.  They also strive to create opportunities for their members and supply partners to join these efforts and to make a positive impact on the community and the world.

At No Child Hungry, we're grateful that FEI Group has partnered with us in these efforts.  At the past two National Conferences, members, supply partners and the FEI team have packed more than 115,000 meals for kids in need, and have made an impact in each host city, as well as around the world.  FEI has joined us as far away as Hawaii, during relief efforts in the wake of the devestating wildfires in 2023.  Their support continues this September at the upcoming National Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.

The Washington D.C metro area is home to more than 1,000,000 people who face food insecurity, and of those, nearly 1/3 are children.  Additionally, a recent study found that more than 7% of D.C. area infants and toddlers are experiencing homelessness.  This is more than any state in the U.S.  Working with the FEI Group team, we developed a very customized give back event at this year's conference.

We'll still be packing No Child Hungry meals.  A lot of them.  We'll pack just over 20,000 meals together.  But, packing meals is just one of three activities you'll find available.  We'll also be packing 700 Stop Hunger Bags.  These bags serve as a great solution for children who often struggle most for meals over the weekends, when school isn't in session.  Each bag is filled with shelf-stable, easy-to-prepare food and snack items for hungry kids.  You'll also have a chance to pack 700 hygiene kits, each containing a plethora of much-needed hygiene supplies, that will be distributed to homeless children in the D.C. area.

This effort is sure to make a real and meaningful impact in our host city, and we can't wait to join you in September.  Together, we'll make a real impact, and together, we will give back.


Click here to make an additional donation directly to No Child Hungry in support of the give back event at the upcoming FEI Group National Conference.  100% of your donation will go toward additional meals being packed at the event.

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